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Is it possible to have a book written by hundreds of authors? Each person adding a little more to the tale and then passing it on? Sure, anything and everything is possible with fiction .

Here's how it works . Each book starts out on its journey with just the seed of a story. They’re then passed on from one person to the next . Each time a little more is added to the tale, little by little the plot and characters emerge.

Of course, these books will only survive and prosper on people’s goodwill. They'll be passed from hand-to-hand travelling the globe touching hundreds
of lives - spreading the love of creativity and the written word .

Will they have a happy ending? From everyone who’s written in them
so far, we truly hope so.


They're out there right now.
If one passes to you, please let me know.


If you could be so kind as to send me. your name, rough location.,
a small photo of yourself and a photo of what you wrote inside the book.

I'll update the bookmarks page so
you're added to the story of the book!
(Don’t forget your secret word inside your book, just so I know you really have one).


Living in the shadows Book Two will aim to complete its not-so secret mission to create a thrilling story upon its pages . The journey will be fraught with dangerous evil henchman, and the odd criminal mastermind . But through cunning and the creativity of the world, it will beat the bad guy, get the girl and complete its tale!

This tale is a true enigma of space and time . What Sci-Fi antics will come blazing into life upon its pages? Who knows . I'll leave it up to you wonderful people who pledge to continue its tale and pass it on around the world . Set phasers to stunning .

A fantastical journey will unfold upon the pages of Book Three. Woven with myth and legend, embracing sorcery and folklore, scribes from around the world will create a narrative that weaves through a world of unknowns . Just like the book itself.

Book One - Sci-Fi

Book Two - Thriller

Book Three - Fantasy

Prepare to be startled, terrified and altogether horrified by the tale that will mutate into a grotesque, but beautifully written, monster. They say that the oldest fear is the fear of the unknown, in that sense you should be terrified of this book - who knows where it will lead or what horrors will unfold.

Book Four - Horror


Welcome to a rather novel idea.


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